Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Why is it that you and all cannot release past issues which keep evolving like a time bomb within you all?

This makes me laugh as you say that you are all so different but you are all one, feeding off the time bomb within the pit of your souls.

Though if you were to forgive and release

You’re afraid to do so.

As this gives you a purpose in life, and you would feel vulnerable and weak without this feeling, as you think it gives you an extra strength of power.

Guess what – You’re Wrong.

If you were to forgive and replace this with the Radiance of Love it would heal any issues within the past

Forgive the person not intentionally, forgiving for what they have done.

Life is too short to be burdened with this crap.

Always remember-“Unconditional Love”

We are all not here to be the same we are to be our own individual and to love one another for who we are, not for who someone else wants us to be.


“This Is The Word

Of God”

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