Sunday, March 3, 2013


How are you on this most beautiful day?

We are here today to take you on another journey of self discovery of oneself. The oneself within, the journey of discovery and enlightenment.

You have been feeling lost child, haven’t you. Well we are here to show you the way. Forget about everybody else and what they are doing as you have already been there ok. We need you to stay focused on you and where you are going. It is just so easy to stray from yourself but no more and do not think you are selfish for what you want in life as it is all there in the taking.

Please believe in yourself as you are one like God.
Travel in time to another galaxy called Uranus, THERE YOU’LL FIND US A BRIDGE BETWEEN TWO WORLDS EXISTING ON pure enlightenment  of the Divine Light Within.


Do you understand my dear child?

(We know you had to look this up remember to have faith in all that you are given.

Surely enough the existence of time is another illusion within, forming an unrealistic image of self destruction. This is self sabotaging of oneself. Do not allow this to happen now or ever again in this lifetime or any other lifetime.)

Gather your thoughts now and transform them into the air you breathe and exhale them out to the universe for transmutation. Allow the healing to begin.

We are the Holy Guardians of the Heavenly realm of once forgotten but no longer shall you sleep. The wonders of your enlightenment are about to evolve once more into your being, your True Essence.

Atlantis is once again rising and you will be part of the New Aquarius. Allow the feminine essence of your being to amplify all that is AND ALL THAT YOU ARE.

The Holy Guardians consist of your angels Archangels and all the Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides.

They will Transmute fear into the beautiful healing light that is required at this time.

Allow yourself to be free, allowing no-one to hold you down with their own burdens for you are this most amazing child of God , One Being with The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Go In Peace My Dear Child

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